No episodes of hypotension and rushing to hospitals. I am peaceful, calm, happy  in my life, no quarrels.  My friends also noticed the change. If someone instigate, I don’t take it on me but I find humour out of it. Earlier all insults used to hurt, bottle up and burst out aggressively and violently. My…

Meena Kumari

First of all thanks to you, you managed his fever without antibiotics for first time and its totally because of you and your support. I was very scared when fever shot up to 104.5C , we waited for a day with your medicines and thank fully it came down normal next day. Yes next time…


Ear pain has gone totally, no discharge at all. She stopped getting scared of crocodiles and snakes. No Nightmares. Huge personality change. After the first consultation, she slept for 17 hours, ate for 3 times what she eats, and woke up as a huge burden over lifted over her head. She looked vibrant, started talking…

Nandini Rao

Dr. Zinkal is a perfect Doctor. I was in a pretty bad condition when I approached her. But now I am perfectly all right. All thanks to her treatment and proper medication. I would highly  recommend “Innate Homeo Healing”.

Mayuri Marvaniya

Our experience with Dr. Zinkal is excellent. She is very co-operative throughout our Daughter’s treatments. She helped us a lot with proper guidance and appropriate medicines to come over her acutes and other complaints. We are really thankful to her.

Baby Hiyaa